An example social media press release by Prezly

This is a demo to show you how Prezly works

Manage your day-to-day PR activities with Prezly: use multimedia newsrooms, an influencer relationship management system and online distribution tools to engage your influencers.

Publish social media press releases that your clients will love

Set up your own press rooms in minutes. They look stunning on mobile devices and you can brand them to tie in with corporate identities. Having online press releases makes your content shareable on social networks and findable via search engines, bringing extra traffic to your stories.

Say goodbye to Excel hell to manage your contacts

Stop managing your contacts in Excel. Your influencers don’t belong in spreadsheets. They deserve to be in a central influencer management system that allows you to easily pitch stories and learn from past contacts interactions. Import your current contacts and start reaching out with them today.

Send and track beautiful news releases via email

E-mail doesn't need to be a black box. When you send a press release, you'll see who opened it and who was interested enough to click through to your press room to read more or to download your files. When journalists don't want to receive messages from you anymore, they can choose to unsubscribe, instead of having to mark your messages as spam. 

Product overview

PDF - 9.7 Mb

Frederik Vincx

Design co-founder, Prezly

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Over Fortino Capital Partners

Over Fortino Capital Partners

Fortino Capital Partners is een investeringsmaatschappij, opgericht in 2013, en wordt geleid door Duco Sickinghe, Renaat Berckmoes en Matthias Vandepitte. Fortino Capital investeert in opmerkelijke bedrijven van vandaag en morgen en begeleidt hen bij het aantrekken van opportuniteiten. Ze versnellen bedrijfsactiviteiten en zetten ambitie om in groei. Ze beheren een venture capital fonds van 80 miljoen euro en een digitaal groeifonds van 200 miljoen euro, met een focus op software en digitale transformatie. De investeringsportfolio van Fortino Capital bestaat onder andere uit

MobileXpense, Teamleader, BuyBay en Letsbuild. Voor meer informatie ga naar

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